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最近开始整理python的资料,博主建立了一个qq群,希望给大家提供一个交流的同平台 78486745 。
python的第一个程序也从hello world开始吧:
#!/usr/bin/env python#! -*- coding:utf-8 -*-print("Hello world!")
"C:\Program Files\Python37\python.exe" D:/python/Day1/test/HelloWorld.pyHello world!Process finished with exit code 0a
if condition1: command_layer1_1 if condition2: command_layer2_2 else: command_layer2_2else: command_layer1_2
#!/usr/bin/env python #顶格编写#! -*- coding:utf-8 -*-user_input = input("Please input you username:")if user_input == "Bob": #注意这里的冒号结尾 passwd_input = input("Please input your password:") #注意从这里开始,第一个if条件为真时需要执行的动作语句均需要左缩进4个空格 if passwd_input == "password": #第一个if下的第二个if,仍然要左缩进4个空格,同时冒号结尾 print("Welcome login,%s!" %user_input) #第二层if条件为真时执行的动作语句,需要在第一层语句基础上再缩进4个空格,因此需要缩进8个空格 else: #第二层if-else中的else,因此需要与第二层if对齐,缩进4个空格 print("Invalid username or password, please check your input") #第二层if-else条件为假时执行的动作语句,同样需要与第二层if一样缩进8个空格else: #第一层if-else中的else关键字,顶格冒号结尾 print("Invalid username or password, please check your input") #第一层if-else判断条件为假时执行的动作,与第一层if一样需要缩进4个空格
说明:该示例程序仅为演示多层if-else的语法结构,程序本身的设计存在漏洞;空格缩进在pycharm IDE环境中会被自动处理,但在普通文件编辑器中需要手动设置。
以下为改良版示例程序,通过引入对if的多条件判断来避免上述程序的漏洞:#!/usr/bin/env python#! -*- coding:utf-8 -*-username=input("Please input you username:\n")passwd=input("Please input you password:\n")if username == "Bob" and passwd == "password": print("Welcome login, %s!" %username)else: print("Invalid username or password, please check your input!")
语法结构:if condition1: command1elif condition2: command2elif condition3: command3else condition4: command4
还是来一个示例程序加深理解:#!/usr/bin/env python#! -*- coding:utf-8 -*-age=int(input("Please input your age\n"))if age >= 18: print("Oh, you're an adult\n")elif age >=6: print("Ha, you're a teenager\n")else: print("Come on, little kid!\n")
最近开始整理python的资料,博主建立了一个qq群,希望给大家提供一个交流的同平台 78486745 。
for variable in XXX: loop command
其中variable表示命名的变量,一般程序中使用i,j等等,XXX表示变化的范围,可以是list列表,一般会考虑使用range函数,来表示一个整数序列,如range(5)就表示小于5的整数序列,即0-4。 语法规范中同样需要for语句后面的结尾冒号,以及循环体中的4个空格的左缩进。
#!/usr/bin/env python#! -*- coding:utf-8 -*-import random #导入随机数模块Age=random.randrange(10)#随机生成一个小于10的整数(0-9,不包括负数),并赋值给Agefor i in range(3): if i < 2: guess_number=int(input("Please input the age of my dog you guess:\n")) if guess_number > Age: print("The age you guess is a little big, think smaller!\n") elif guess_number < Age: print("The age you guess is a little small, think bigger!\n") else: print("Bingo, you got the number,congratulations!\n") break else: guess_number=int(input("Please input the age of my dog you guess:\n")) if guess_number == Age: print("Bingo, you got the number,congratulations!\n") else: print("Oh,you just got bad luck, come to try again, you can do it! The actual age of my dog is %d...\n"% Age)
OK,现在来改进下程序, 当用户连续三次猜错后继续给机会,让用户选择是继续猜还是直接退出,如果继续则再一次获得三次猜的机会,如此循环下去。还是用for循环吧:
#!/usr/bin/env python#! -*- coding:utf-8 -*-Age=22counter=0for i in range(10): if counter < 3: guess_number=int(input("Plese input your guess number:\n")) if guess_number == Age: print("You got the number, congratulations!") break elif guess_number > Age: print("The number you guessed is too big, guess a smaller one\n") else: print("The number you guessed is too small, guess a bigger one\n") counter += 1 elif counter == 3: continue_flag=input("Do you want to continue? Please type Y to continue or N to quit:\n ") if continue_flag == "Y": counter = 0 else: print("Bye") break else: print("You've tried too many times.")
#!/usr/bin/env python#! -*- coding:utf-8 -*-Age=22i=0counter=0while counter < 10: if i < 3: guess_number=int(input("Plese input your guess number:\n")) if guess_number == Age: print("You got the number, congratulations!") break elif guess_number > Age: print("The number you guessed is too big, guess a smaller one\n") else: print("The number you guessed is too small, guess a bigger one\n") i += 1 else: continue_flag=input("Do you want to continue? Please type Y to continue or N to quit:\n ") if continue_flag == "Y": i = 0 else: print("Bye") break counter +=1